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Hello! Welcome to Sapience Financial

We expect you'll have lots of questions, so we would like to answer the biggest one first, so you can decide whether we’re the type of people you’d like to do business with.

'Why?' … it's a very human question

Hello from Drew Browne, Senior Advisor Sapience Financial

Because everything meaningful has purpose; and everything meaningful usually connects to something else with purpose, so asking ‘Why’ is a very human question.

And asking ‘Why’ about money, life insurances, investing and financial advice is actually the best place to start — at least we think so.

  • Why?  Because money is a serious matter – given how much of our lives we sacrifice in the name of making money in the first place. We all require consistent access to money to live, love and do business. It takes lots of money to raise and educate children, to provide for a special needs sibling or frail aged parents; and of course, it takes even more money to live out our retirement with dignity, and access to healthcare.
  • Why?  Because money gives us options when dealing with adversity. Ultimately less money speaks to issues of the level of control we have over our lives.
  • Why?  Because The Numbers of Lifeare statistical so they're not avoidablestatistical risks we all face equally – like unexpected ill health, accident, injury, or even an unexpected disability or death – these statistically based events can happen to us all regardless of who we are, our current level of success, what we do or who depends on us financially and emotionally for their futures.

So you might ask, Why do we also acknowledge the emotional connection when talking about a service about money, life insurances and investing?

Good financial advice is actually not all about money

We believe life is about so much more than just money. Equally, if you don't have regular access to that financial resource, life can be harder (if not impossible) to successfully navigate with clarity, calm, and confidence.

A very human instinct

Making, managing, and protecting our ability to earn an income are essential life skills today – it's really the biggest asset we have – and an absolutely necessary part of modern life and business.

  • It provides our lifestyles, protects our futures, and empowers our ability to protect and provide for those we love – a very human instinct – and one of humanity's most admirable traits.
  • To ignore improving your money skills, would be to ignore maintaining your ongoing good mental health; you just can't ignore the facts of life and expect you're still going to navigate it successfully.
  • We all teach our children how to successfully navigate through life.  We continue to improve ourselves to become better and more capable people. We grow our businesses to better protect and provide for our families and serve and support our customers; it's not hard to see how it all connects together – life, love, and business.

So asking the question ‘Why’ about your money matters, is perhaps the best place to start living a bigger life.

To better understand our philosophy about what we do, is to understand the story behind our logo

The logo of the Sapience Financial brand

The origins of our brand logo draw from the history of African tribes who were known to so highly value the insights and wisdom of their tribal elders, they would share these experts between tribes to exchange their wisdom for payment, so each tribe could benefit and advance.

Some elders were experts on crop rotation, others were experts at settling disputes and mediation. Others were experienced with the finer aspects of life, love, and relationships, and finding ways of living in peace with their difficult surroundings. Those tribes that sought out and applied the advice of a trusted elder, flourished.

You could say, they saw the value in wisdom from unusual places – the value of Sapience.

For those readers who like detail, the word   ‘sapience’ comes from the Latin word sapientia, meaning wisdom. It's come to be defined more precisely as wisdom from unusual places. To the modern scholar, there’s a sense of subtle humor and playfulness in its delivery too.

And before you go, if you want to know the story behind our Brands, you can read more about our Philosophy and Backstory too.

So Why work with Sapience Financial?

What we believe affects who we become and we believe Secure People Live >Bigger Lives.

We believe our products and services are also a portal to a better self and a better life and we want our clients to think bigger about who they are and what they have to offer the world.

Having a backup plan in place to protect a small business owner and their family from the core business risks of life is crucial; not just because it can be the difference between closing the doors and keeping their business afloat during difficult times when resources are limited, but because nothing helps you boldly face the future like knowing you’re prepared — and nothing feels as good as being secure.

Welcome to Sapience. Let's Get Started

sig of drew browne

Drew Browne, Founder & Senior Advisor
Sapience Financial

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Access every Life Insurance company in Australia

 You wouldn't go to a Doctor who never finished medical school, so why would you use a risk adviser
who doesn't have access to every life insurance company in Australia?

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