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Getting your Life Insurance policy and Income Protection policy can sometimes take longer than people might expect and the main reason why is simple.
Once you have this type of policy, it can’t be taken away from you or cancelled by the insurance company, regardless of any future changes to your health or occupation.
The life insurance Underwriter has to get it right the first time because they don't get a second chance to fix a problem they may have originally overlooked.

Looking for some smart super ideas in 2021?
Whatever your longer term plan is about your Super, have a shorter term plan about understanding its potential.
With the end of the financial year's June 30th fast approaching, it might be time to start thinking about your super for another year. Here are five smart strategies that could benefit you now, and help boost your super balance for later.

Teaching your kids to save is child's play
As parents we're constantly looking for ways to teach our kids. Whether that's through sharing our own culture, our beliefs and our understanding of how the world works or unconsciously by what we do, it seems that nothing teaches an impressionable mind, like watching.
But simply talking about saving money, can feel like a drag.
It's so important to remember that what and how we teach our children about money when they are young, will impact on their financial future. It's our responsibility to raise money smart kids.

So how do you actually start setting financial goals?
By now you’ve had a chance to read the ‘thinking' A Beginner's Guide to Thinking About Setting Financial Goals’ part of making financial goals and decisions, it's time to start the ‘doing’.
It's no secret the COVID19 pandemic has hurt many Australians and has either derailed many of us from our financial goals or has forced us to re-prioritise our current situation.
With historically unusually low interest rates, many Australians are now prioritising their debt and looking for strategies to consolidate and pay down credit card debt much faster than they previously had planned.
This is a great step, but how do we make sure it's just not just another stand-alone opportunity to take and miss the chance to pause and refocus our thinking about what we all actually want to be doing?
- Living happily ever after in a rented house, maybe
- Three high-stakes risks of being a Sole Trader
- The beginner's guide to thinking about setting financial goals
- How to restart your financial life during a COVID pandemic
- Can your family get your money back from your business if it's Director or Owner dies?
- It's been a tough year… there have been some tough learnings
- Can you still get life insurance living with a mental illness diagnosis?