Vision disorders & blindness
Common causes of vision impairment and blindness are degenerative diseases such as:
- Age-related macular degeneration: (AMD) a disease that affects the retina and a person's Central vision
- Glaucoma: group of diseases in the optic nerve
- Diabetic retinopathy: complications of diabetes that affect the blood vessels of the retina
- Cataract: clouding of the lens resulting in a blurred image
Degenerative eye diseases are the leading cause of blindness among Australians 55+.
The risk of an individual experiencing vision impairment during their lifetime, as a result of a degenerative eye disease, is 36.3%. The chance that an individual will have permanent site loss or blindness during their lifetime is 18.2%
- Trauma to the eye is the leading cause of blindness in one eye
- Many eye injuries are sustained as a result of Sport or work, particularly among men of working age
- The risk of depression in people with vision impairment is 3 times higher than in those without impairment