Welcome to our Personal Finance Blog
Money bewilders most of us. How to spend it, save it, invest it, and how to best protect the person who makes it.
These questions we all face daily — a puzzle we all attempt to understand and solve just about every day. Yet despite money's centrality to our lives and businesses, it's something we all grapple with, and mostly in private.
- Money is the 'Lord Voldemort' of topics; feared by most and mentioned by a few. It's oddly uncomfortable to discuss socially and rarely even with our partners, parents, and children.
Perhaps that's because managing our money and life's risks inevitably involves the fusion of both the emotional and practical aspects of our decision-making processes. The most difficult of questions are those with both economic and emotional answers.
Our educational Personal Finance Blog is for people who want to grow and remain wealthy. And while the journey toward wealth is clearly marked, you still have to be looking in the right direction.
At Sapience, we're all about The How.

Will you inherit someone's super after they die?
Nobody ever wants to pay more tax than necessary. Hidden taxes seem to be everywhere, for the unaware. Even when you die, like a seagull swooping on a hot chip, the tax office will be quick to intervene and take a cut of your super death benefit, if you aren’t careful.
It pays to understand what you can do to reduce the stress (and the tax) at this difficult time.

What do you mean I have to buy back half my business?
It’s hardly surprising that all business owners struggle with the notion of how long we will be in business.
It can be an even greater struggle thinking we might actually be forced to leave, walk away or retire from being in business.

Welcome to the Wild Wild West of Crypto Currency
The world of digital assets (also known as crypto-assets) broadly refers to — cryptocurrencies, coins or tokens. These exist in the new intangible digital world and usually have no physical assets backing them, and as such you rely upon a digital assignment of value and the right of ownership.
They digitally represent your ownership of a value or rights to something and they're usually not backed by physical assets.
That said, digital assets are here to stay, but where do they fit in your digital life, and your financial life? While you can buy digital assets, investing in them brings a whole new conversation - and nobody wants to ask, 'What happens to your money if something goes wrong?'

The ultimate conversation stopper for most parents at the weekend BBQ with friends is, 'How will you pay for school fees?'
Asking this question usually results in all surrounding conversation falling silent, as everyone has an opinion on this uncomfortable and expensive topic.
Braces, Orthodontics, and School Fees – the big three conversation stoppers for every parent (and engaged Uncle or Aunty).
No matter if you're hoping to send your child to an elite private school, a selective school or the local government school, you know you're going to need to dip deep into your pocket.

A type 2 diabetes diagnosis can feel overwhelming, to say the least.
And while many of us may have a general idea of what this disease is, there’s a lot of misunderstanding surrounding what it means for the future for a person newly diagnosed with diabetes, and their families.
Life goes on, jobs have to be kept, mortgage repayments made and the future just looks a little more complicated.

Did you know wealthy people still use Life Insurance policies? Here are six reasons why wealthy people continue to use Life insurance policies, regardless of their wealth
Life insurance is a cost-effective financial tool that provides protection and financial security for individuals and their families, in the event of an unexpected death, disability or serious medical condition. Life Insurances also play an important part in helping business owners protect themselves and their families, from core business risks too.
Now while many people may associate life insurance with the middle class, it may come as a surprise to some that many wealthy individuals still choose to utilise life insurance as part of their overall financial planning, despite their already substantial wealth and reduced need for a financial safety net.
And here's why.
- The problem of Becoming Uninsurable (and the Ken & Barbie lifestyle of denial)
- Federal Budget Summary 2023-24
- Will you be caught in business with your former partner's spouse?
- How to Protect your Family, from your Business
- How to Split an Unsplittable Inheritance
- What happens to your Super in a relationship breakdown?
- The Difference between Small Business Exit plans & Small Business Succession planning