Life can be complicated without the instructions
It's no argument this holds true for our financial and investment life too
LEGO building blocks have always been part of happy memories for so many of our clients (apart from stepping on a piece accidentally late at night getting for a glass of water). Many people don't realise they initially were made of wood with the plastic extrusion versions only beginning in 1947.
- The word Lego is derived from the Danish phrase leg godt, meaning play well.
For many of us playing with Lego blocks has become synonymous with complexities made into simplicities made possible through a good set of instructions, a picture of the finished item promising what could be with effort and patience, and just a few more blocks.
This year Sapience commissioned the Sapience Ute and Trailer (complete with tools) and many of our clients are now enjoying some LEGO fun. So if you see them on social media, feel free to tag us #sapiencefiancial
(If you need a new copy of the build instructions, get in touch).