Are these Australia’s Coolest Business Cards?
Our new LEGO themed business cards have arrived at Sapience!
They are genuine LEGO brick minifigs (and sit really well on computer monitors or somewhere near your phone at work).
- It is reported that LEGO is now so popular that at 2010, there are at least 62 little coloured lego bricks, for every person on the planet. (There are now considerably more after our last company purchase.)
- 2.16 million are molded every hour, 36,000 every minute.
- More than 400 billion Lego bricks have been produced since 1958
What! You haven't got your Sapience Business Card Minifig yet? Well call us today and ask for one.
(Rumour has it there's also a Sapience Cool 'Aussie Ute' for new clients too. Keep a look out for it!)